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A Little About My Wife and I

Hi, we are the Alfords.

My name is Butch, and My beautiful Bride of 33 years is Debra. We currently live in Colorado and have lived here for over 11 years. Debra is a certified Professional Coach and strategist.  She is the founder and CEO of Standup Coaching LLC and is also an Ordained Pastor. We have coached Married couples' sense 1996 through 2=1 Ministries, and Standup Coaching LLC. Debra currently is an international best-selling author with her book,

"Sit Down and Shut Up, Finding Your Voice in an Insensitive World."

We both have been called by Yeshua (Jesus) to put together a ministry called Manifested Marriage Ministries. within this Ministry we are putting together workshops and an online course titled "The Manifested Marriage"

We look forward to getting to know you and will keep you informed on the progress of the workshops and online course.

Thank you and may Adonai (Lord) bless you and your family.

Numbers 6: 24-26 

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Who Are You, and for what purpose were you born?

International Best-Selling Author, Debra Alford Explains, with her life experiences, and the victory she now lives out every day

An exhilarating story that will capture your heart through hardships and inspire you through perseverance and grit. Debra was determined to discover the purpose and destiny of her life. Many of us have grown up in dysfunctional homes, where you may have been told to Sit Down and Shut Up! Debra's story ​shouts with victory, overcoming all odds and discovering her divine purpose through seeking God's plan for her life.

If Debra's story sounds like your story, this book is a definite must-read to help you find your identity, which in turn will lead you to your purpose and destiny. You will understand that you are the victor and not the victim, one filled with enormous potential and endless possibilities.

Within the chapters of this book are outlined some of the most profound challenges we face as children and adolescents and how those struggles from our past can still come to the surface today as we live through our adult lives. The goal of this book is to help you identify what is holding you back from being your true God-given authentic self. This book is a tool to help you find your true identity and your purpose, to set you up for success in your divine future. 

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